Buy NSP with 30% discount

Discount on NSP products

We care about our loyal customers and give them the opportunity to buy products at a 30% discount (without a 40% retail markup).

A loyal customer is a person who has issued an NSP discount number (partnership agreement) and makes purchases of products for his discount number at least once every 6 months.

The number does not oblige you to anything (sales, attracting people, etc.), you can use the products in a mode convenient for you.. Also, when making purchases to your number, bonuses of 5% of the amount are credited to it order. The accumulated bonuses can be spent on products and make your order cheaper.

How to get a personal number

You can get a discount when ordering 41€ or more, refer to the discount calculator.

Personal consultant after the discount

After registering a discount number (registration), you will be assigned a personal consultant who will help you:

  • free support and answers to questions, recommendations;
  • free compilation of health recovery programs for simple problems.

You will receive an email with a discount number and a letter from a consultant with additional information.

If you cannot contact your consultant, then contact us in any way convenient for you.

Ask a question
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Jim Ziegmann01.05.2022 17:08

Please guide me how do I apply for a discount number? Thanks

24NSP01.05.2022 17:12

Hello Jim!

There are no applications for a discount number.
The discount number is issued by the manager manually during the order processing.
To receive a discount number, your order must be for the amount indicated in the description of the conditions.

Best regards, team 24NSP.

Cristina Moraru28.04.2022 04:45

Please guide me how do I apply for a discount number? Thanks

24NSP28.04.2022 05:30

Hello Cristina

All details have been sent to you by email.

Best regards team 24NSP.