Terms of the Partnership Agreement

Public offer to 24NSP.eu

NOTE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AFFILIATE 24NSP.eu program. Before you begin your participation in the referral system 24NSP.eu. NOTE, that the beginning of any of the activities that are permitted in the affiliate program 24NSP.eu will be considered as acceptance of the public offer 24NSP.eu.

1. Define (basic notions):

1.1. Referral (recruiting, affiliate) 24NSP.eu system (the system ref.) - A tool for integrated recruiting partners and attract customers.

1.2. Referral (partner) - member of the partner program, register at its own initiative or on the recommendation of another party.

1.3. Referral link (link ref.) - Link to any page on the site, to which is added a unique referral code (referral tail), tied to the account of the user only.

1.4. Referral panel (the panel ref.) - Account in which the referral sees its Ref. link and all information for the partners. (entrance there - /ru/sotrudnichestvo/login)

1.5. Ban - complete blocking of access to the referral office or in whole to the site.

2. Structure. Referral (recruiting) 24NSP.eu system consists of several main sections:

2.1. Online shop:

2.1.1. Cards of products

2.1.2. Articles for customers

2.1.3. Articles for partners

2.1.4. Analytical test

2.1.5. Inner pages: the main page of the site, delivery, payment, registration, etc.

2.2. Webinar system:

2.2.1. Webinars - online broadcast in real time.

Comment: Pages webinar addresses always start with /refup/ (complete catalog of the webinars can be found within your ref. cabinet)

2.2.2. Auto webinars - pre-recorded webinars, working in automatic mode for a given period, which is set by the administrator.

Comment: Pages auto webinars addresses always start with /refup/ (complete catalog of the auto webinars can be found within your ref. cabinet)

3. Terms of use referral system:

3.1. Registration Ref. free system for the main section of the site n.2.1.1.-2.1.5.

Comment: If you want to place the link only to products, articles on the blog, an analytical test, ref. free is always for you.

3.2. Using webinar system is provided by license fee, the cost of which can be found in a special section in your ref. cabinet.

Comment: If you want to promote the referral links not only to the main sections site n.2.1.1.-2.1.5., but also on the Webinars / Auto Webinars, then it will be charged for monthly payment. Note: Webinars / Auto Webinars an additional tool and its use is not mandatory!

3.3. Re-registration is prohibited. Failure to comply with the second paragraph of this account is deleted without warning.

3.4. Distribution of orders (customers) - the order on "last partner". This means that the order (the customer) is charged to the partner, on whose ref. link buyer came to our site for the last, before buying time.

3.5. Cookies – stored for 1 year after the last visit on the site ref. link.

3.6. The size of the commission depends on your rank in the company NSP. You can learn all the details about your commission directly to the NSP company marketing plan, which is in your affiliate account, on the page "Payment (order accrual)".

4. General rules

4.1. By registering in ref. system, you accept and agree with each of the items described below rules and agree to comply with them in full.

4.2. To place your ref. links to any pages 24NSP.eu site is strictly PROHIBITED.

4.3. Referral shall be personally responsible for the information that is posted along with the ref. link.

4.4. It prohibited the total or partial copy of content from the site 24NSP.eu

4.5. Referral may only use legal and voluntary methods of advertising through the Partner Program. NEVER use any type of spam with a direct or indirect advertising of our service;

4.6. It is forbidden to advertise the capabilities of the service, which does not really exist;

4.7. Referral undertakes to place advertising and graphic materials only in accordance with Russian law and not to carry on 24NSP.eu responsible for damage of any kind incurred Referral or a third party during the use and placement of own promotional materials.

4.8. Referral shall be entitled to make purchases on his own Ref. link if wants to validate the work of Ref. System! IMPORTANT: when making test orders in any of the fields of the basket, you need to make it clear to the administration that this test (not real) order, by specifying any word or phrase to the discretion of: test, test, test, test, work or other in a note to the request. You can write any more detailed phrase that will clearly understand that this is a test order.

4.8.1. In order to conduct a test order without a clear indication that the referral testing ban for 5 days.

5. Preparation and execution of orders:

5.1. All responsibility for the orders received through your referral link, namely, the timely and proper execution of them, a person registered in the structure and the transmission of information in accordance with, the country of residence to the customer, delivery service, or the service centers of the company carry you personally, that is, referral.

5.2. Website administration is not responsible for the execution of the order obtained in your ref. link, except as described in "Blocking orders" section.

5.3. After receiving an order for your ref. link, you will be sent a notification letter to the specified at registration, e-mail. We do not guarantee that these emails will always come to the folder "Inbox" of your e-mail address.

Comment: There is a possibility that the letter gets to the folder "Spam" or, in principle, will not be missing a postal service provider in your email box. In order to maximally protect themselves from similar situations, fill in our e-mail addresses [email protected] и [email protected] in address book and set the filters.

5.4. Within 24 hours of placing the order by the client, and receiving this notification letter, you must log into your panel and open a referral order.

Comment: Thus, you give us to understand that you know about the existence of your order and have already begun its processing.

5.5. Within 12 hours after the opening of the order you are obliged to issue this order (the order of registration of orders for different countries here).

6. Blocking orders

6.1. If after 24 hours you do not open the order received in your office, if it is blocked, and you can not see the details of the order: the buyer, the delivery address, phone number, etc.

6.2. Immediately after the blocking order our managers start to its processing instead of you, and this order is made through our NSP extension number, but the person we do not make out a partnership agreement and does not register it.

6.3. You have the right within 7 days from the date of blocking order, pay for the work our manager processing your order and to restore access to the order. In the first translation you will get back the points for this order, in the event that a customer bought your order.
Comment: You just pay for the work of our managers (/en/order-unlocking) on processing of your order. You do not lose, neither man nor points since them we return.

6.4. If within 7 days after receipt of order, you do not unlock it paying unlocking order, you completely lose the order, including customer and scores.

Comment: If you know you will be absent from the Internet more than 5-7 days for any reason, ask your sponsor to monitor your mail and orders. IMPORTANT: at the expiration of 168 hours (7 days) from the date of lock order no claim no.

6.5. Unlock the detailed ordering information: phone, buyer, address, etc., is paid in the case of the client's refusal of your order during the processing of our manager.

6.6. We can not guarantee, in the case of the processing of your orders by our managers, that 100% of all orders will be redeemed by customers.

Comment: It happens that the customer places an order on the website and during a call to him, we know that he changed his mind, in such cases, our managers will make every effort to maintain order, but unfortunately not always succeed. The recorded and may be presented if required as proof of all calls with clients.

6.7. The moment of release of the order will be the time of receipt of money on our account.

7. Support

7.1. Technical support is provided exclusively via e-mail - [email protected] and forum (currently in development).

8. Term and Termination

24NSP.eu may terminate the Partner's participation in the Affiliate Program Partner 24NSP.eu after written notice (including by email), with immediate effect if the partner, in the reasonable discretion 24NSP.eu, violates the public offer; (II), if the use of the Partner 24NSP.eu signs, in the reasonable discretion 24NSP.eu, insults or denigrates 24NSP.eu marks or damages the reputation 24NSP.eu in any way; (III), if a partner becomes insolvent or other procedures because of its inability to pay its debts.

9. Confidentiality

9.1. Partner agrees to the processing and storage of personal data 24NSP.eu Partner, specified at registration, including: Name, email address, phone numbers, ID partnership agreement NSP.

9.2. Partner agrees 24NSP.eu the processing and storage of any personal data in your account Partner.

9.3. As a result, the found vulnerabilities and deliberate malicious acts of third parties, including (but not limited to) virus or hacker attack, data Partner posted on the Service, may potentially become available to third parties. Partner is aware of this potential danger and will not impose requirements for 24NSP.eu damages (damages) arising in connection with this.

9.4. Partner is important to specify when registering for the Service their real personal information. If 24NSP.eu service administration becomes aware that a partner specifically distorts their personal data, the account will be blocked. Unlocking is carried out only after the partner to provide and confirm your real data, by providing a scan of the passport.

10. Referral agrees to:

10.1. Storage of personal data on the server 24NSP.eu (including outside the territory of the Russian Federation)

10.2. Directions Partner information services, news 24NSP.eu and (or) 24NSP.eu partners.

10.3. 24NSP.eu Partner handles only the data necessary for the execution of this Agreement.

10.4. The partner is aware and agrees that telephone conversations with 24NSP.eu can be recorded in order to monitor the quality of work 24NSP.eu staff and, if necessary, to be published on the blog of the partners as training materials.

11. Changes in the public offer

24NSP.eu reserves the right to amend the conditions of the present public offer. The Partner has the right to refuse to accept the amended terms of the Treaty, and in this case, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated. By continuing to use affiliate programs, partner accepts the terms of this Agreement and the Rules of use of the website in the latest version.

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