Calcium Magnesium chelate (Calcium Magnesium) NSP

Retail: 30.80 €
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Provides support for the normal functioning of all systems of the body.

Pack of 150 capsules. Country of manufacture: USA. Product Code: 3243.

Lack of minerals leads to malfunction of all organs and systems. To maintain the balance of electrolytes, micro- and macronutrients - one of the leading tasks of a healthy lifestyle. Calcium MagnesiumChelate supplement serves as an additional source of essential minerals, strengthens muscles, bones, immune and cardiovascular systems.

Calcium Magnesium properties

Main effect of Calcium Magnesium:

  • Helps bone tissue repair;
  • Helps the nervous system function, promotes the passage of impulses;
  • Supports hematopoietic processes;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Dietary supplement from NSP has an effect due to the presence of minerals in the composition:

1. Calcium. The main electrolyte. Carries electrical charges (nerve impulses). Needed to strengthen bones, teeth, muscle contractility. Contributes to normal blood clotting, supports the work of a number of enzymes. With a lack of the element develops osteoporosis.

2. Magnesium. It is not synthesized in the body independently, so it must be consumed with food. It regulates the work of the nervous system. With its deficiency, there are dyspersions, fatigue, irritability. Over time, atherosclerosis and blood diseases can develop.

3. Phosphorus. Strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel. Normalizes kidney function, helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. Regulates acid-base balance and helps to absorb vitamins. Maintains muscle tone, as it is associated with energy production.

4. Zinc. This element is involved in the synthesis of proteins and amino acids, of which the entire body is built. Strengthens the immune system. Acts as an antioxidant, takes part in the formation of hormones, supports the function of more than 300 enzymes. Zinc deficiency leads to growth disorders.

5. Copper. It is a component of proteins. Free copper ions are toxic. When it is deficient, it manifests diseases - severe mental retardation, vomiting, diarrhea, bone changes, arterial ruptures, and sparse, stiff, kinky hair.

6. Boron. An active participant in energy metabolism. Helps form the musculoskeletal system. Prevents the development of arthritis and arthrosis. Affects the production of sex hormones in women and men. Promotes fat burning and accelerates metabolism. With a lack of the element reduces immunity, impaired absorption of vitamins.

Calcium Magnesium from NSP also contains vitamin D to regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism.


Calcium Magnesium is based on a unique formula SynerProconcentrate. It is a special blend of natural plants:

  • Broccoli;
  • Carrots;
  • Beets;
  • Rosemary;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Curcuma;
  • Cabbage;
  • Grapefruit.

Thus. NSP has ensured that one dose of the complex (2 capsules) includes important nutrients:

  • Calcium - 400mg;
  • Phosphorus - 250mg;
  • Magnesium - 200mg;
  • Zinc - 7.5mg;
  • Copper - 1mg;
  • Boron - 0,5mg.

Enhanced effect is achieved due to the presence of vitamin D (2.5 mcg) in the NSP supplement. It provides rapid absorption of all elements. All components of the complex are in the form of chelates, so it is called Calcium Magnesium Chelate.

Indications for use

BAA is indicated for strengthening the nervous, immune, cardiovascular systems. Also with a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body:

  • Brittle bones, nails, hair;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteoporosis, arthritis;
  • Regular fatigue, stress;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Expressed premenstrual syndrome;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Anemia.

In Europe, Calcium Magnesium Chelate is also used for acute magnesium deficiency - night cramps, tremors, depression.

Instructions for use

The official instruction of NSP suggests the following intake:

Drink 2 capsules before meals with plenty of water. Repeat 2 times a day.

The daily dose is 4 capsules. A full jar of 120 tablets is designed for a one-month course.

In Europe, nutriciologists recommend taking at least 2 courses a year to maintain the health of the whole body.


Calcium Magnesium Chelate is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. With pronounced allergic reactions and individual intolerance use is prohibited. Persons with disorders of calcium and magnesium metabolism should consult a doctor (hypercalcemia, hypermagnesemia, severe renal failure).


The best place to store the dietary supplement is without access to light and children. With high humidity, the supplement can spoil.

Phytopreparation NSP is not a drug, but its reception should be coordinated with a nutriciologist. The administration of the site is not responsible for damage to health caused by unauthorized intake.

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Bridget21.02.2021 14:44

Hello! The girl is 8 years old, she has rheumatoid arthritis and slight osteoporosis. Prescribed to drink calcium, something like calcium d3, and I want to give your calcium magnesium, how to drink it correctly and in what dosage? Should it be chewed or washed down with water?

24NSP21.02.2021 14:45

Calcium Magnesium NSP should be taken with the main meal. For these health problems, the dosage is 2 tabs 2 times a day. In addition to Calcium magnesium for arthritis and arthrosis, we would recommend expanding the program, because for the indicated age these are not typical diagnoses and an integrated approach is required. If you need help in drawing up a program, please write to e-mail. mail indicated at the top of the site.
Best regards, 24NSP team.