Gotu Kola NSP

Retail: 20.00 €
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Includes many nutrients important for brain function.

Pack of 100 capsules. Country of manufacture: USA. Product Code: 360.

Shingles - a plant that was widely used in Asian regions in ancient times. People considered it a "memory herb", used to improve intelligence and brain activity. Due to its other properties, Gotu Kola plant has been used in surgery to heal wounds. Shingles has antibacterial properties and prevents infections. Today, Gotu Kola supplements are used in Europe in complex phytotherapy.

Properties of Gotu Kola

Due to the rich natural composition of the shield-leaf shamrock has a wide range of effects:

  • stimulates blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and the whole body;
  • improves memory and intelligence;
  • accelerates skin regeneration after wounds and cuts;
  • regulates the nervous system, eliminating depression and neurosis.

The company NSP took care that each capsule preserves the beneficial properties of the plant. They are due to the presence of such substances:

  • flavonoids. Have an increased antioxidant effect, relieve vascular spasms, resist infection. Play an important role in supporting the tone of the heart muscle;
  • bitters. Improve appetite and aid digestion;
  • essential oils. Help expectoration of phlegm in coughs, soothe and relax the nervous system and other organs;
  • saponins. Regulate cholesterol metabolism, promote expectoration in coughs, relieve inflammation;
  • alkaloids. Have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and thinking.

To select the exact scheme of application and accompanying phytopreparations, it is better to contact a specialist NSP.

Instructions for use

The daily dose is 4 capsules of Gotu Kola. It is rational to take 2 capsules 2 times a day with food. It is recommended not to do this at dinner or before bedtime, as the phytopreparation promotes brain activity. At night time, the brain should rest.

The course is 6-7 weeks, if the nutriciologist does not prescribe otherwise.

Indications for the use of Gotu Kola NSP

The NSP supplement is used in Europe and world phytotherapy in various wellness programs. The plant acts on many systems and organs, so it is included in schemes to support:

  • Brain and cerebral circulation. It has a favorable effect on memory, promotes performance;
  • children's health in the case of dementia;
  • the nervous system. Counteracts depression and neurasthenia;
  • blood vessels. Used for varicose veins and venous insufficiency, hypertension, atherosclerosis and vegetovascular dystonia;
  • heart in cases of ischemia;
  • bronchopulmonary system. In bronchitis, the supplement soothes the cough and promotes expectoration;
  • skin. It is used for dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.

In addition, Gotu Kola is an excellent wound-healing herb. Nutriciologists NSP recommend it to people with trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds and abrasions for accelerated recovery.


Each capsule contains 395 mg of Gotu Kola in a gelatin shell. Shingles acts as a valuable source of biologically important substances. It contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • bitters;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, K and minerals;
  • amino acids, including essential (not synthesized by the body, but it is necessary every day).

The jar contains 100 capsules of the dietary supplement. The company NSP has calculated it for 25 days of reception. For a full course will need 1-2 cans of phytopreparation.


It is strictly forbidden to use Gotu Kola for pregnant women because of its ability to cause an abortive effect. It is not recommended to take a phytopreparation for children under 12 years of age and nursing mothers. Simultaneous intake of dietary supplements together with anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and brain drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.


Storage conditions of BAD are standard: not higher than 25 degrees in a place protected from children. Do not allow exposure to sunlight.

NSP supplement is not a medicinal product. But before its use, it is better to consult with a nutriciologist and carefully read the instructions. The administration of the site is not responsible for the harm caused to health as a result of excessive dosage and independent intake of capsules.

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Jenna12.02.2021 06:34

Good afternoon! Please tell me what is the dosage of the drug for children from 7 to 10 years old?

24NSP12.02.2021 06:35

Prophylactic dosage of Gotu Kola for a child of 7 and 10 years old - 1 caps 2 times a day. The dosage in the presence of a problem in the body is selected individually, based on the problem and the state of the child's body at the time of admission.
Best regards, 24NSP team.