Nutri-Kalm NSP

Retail: 26.81 €
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The product is specially formulated to nourish and support the nervous system in stressful situations, allowing the individual to remain calm.

Nutri-Calm: The human nervous system plays a key role in all life processes. Without this mechanism, it is impossible to do the usual things - to see the world around us, to listen to music and even to taste. The nervous system is subject to constant shocks. Stresses, workaholism, tension wear it out. Phytopreparation Nutri-Calm contains the necessary vitamins to protect nerve cells and strengthen the functions of the nervous system.

What is Nutri-Calm?

What is Nutri-Calm NSP Dietary Supplement

Nutri-Calm is a dietary supplement from the world leader in phytocomplexes, NSP. Vitamins are known to play an important role in regulating the body's internal processes. This applies to the nervous system as well. To get the necessary share of vitamins with food is very difficult. That is why vitamin supplements come to the rescue. Nutri-Calm contains vitamins in the dosages recommended in European countries to cover the daily human need for these nutrients.

Nutri-Calm contains vitamins in the dosages recommended in European countries to cover the daily human need for these nutrients.

Supplement properties

B vitamins and ascorbic acid play an important role in maintaining the nervous system. The main signs of their deficiency are mood swings and constant unreasonable fatigue.

    B vitamins and ascorbic acid.
  • B1 is important for converting energy from food. When thiamine is deficient, the nervous system is at risk of developing Wernicke's encephalopathy or Korsakoff's psychosis. B1 deficiency leads to the death of brain neurons in the part of the brain responsible for memory.
  • B12, B6 and B9 play a key role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. B12 protects neurons from breaking down and B6 improves brain function. Folic acid is an important participant in the production of neurotransmitters - substances that transmit nerve impulses from cell to cell.
  • B5 is an important source of energy and protection for the adrenal glands. They produce stress hormones and immediately use up vitamin B5.
  • The adrenal glands are an important source of energy and defense.
  • A deficiency of vitamin B7 causes neurological symptoms - "goosebumps" on the skin, burning.
  • Nervous activity requires huge reserves of ascorbic acid. The cerebrospinal fluid contains 4 times more of it than plasma, and in neurons - 200 times more! In addition, "ascorbic" helps the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy and prevents depression.
  • .

    Instructions for use

    The recommended dosage of Nutri Kalm is 3 tablets per day. Take with meals one tablet 3 times a day. Phytopreparation NSP can be taken in courses 2 times a year for preventive purposes, if the activity is associated with increased fatigue and stress.


    Indications for use


    Nutri-Kalm in Europe, USA, CIS and other countries is recommended for conditions associated with a deficiency of vitamins B and C. Nutrient deficiencies should be pre-diagnosed.


    • neuritis and neuroses;
    • neuralgia and radiculitis;
    • intestinal disorders related to stress and nervous system, such as atony;
    • damage to peripheral nerves;
    • some skin diseases, such as psoriasis;
    • regular stress, fatigue, decreased efficiency;
    • daily sleepiness and sleep disorders;
    • B12 deficiency anemia;
    • Composition of Nutri Kalm NSP dietary supplement


      The complex from NSP contains valuable vitamins extracted from natural products. Therefore, they can be consumed by vegans and vegetarians. They do not contain harsh synthetic colors, flavors and preservatives. Detailed composition of one Nutri-Calm tablet:

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      Elisa23.02.2021 16:54

      Breastfed baby 1.5 months Can mom drink?

      24NSP23.02.2021 16:55

      Nutri Calm can be taken by a nursing mother in the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the product.
      Best regards, 24NSP team.