Solstice Energy NSP

Retail: 39.90 €
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An excellent source of natural ingredients for the body's natural energy production.

Pack of 30 packets. Country of manufacture: USA. Product Code: 6501.

The modern pace of life requires people to work harder. Stresses, workaholism, morning awakenings and even sports - all this is energy-consuming for the body. Coffee and energy drinks come to the rescue. Unfortunately, not everyone can drink them. Some cause a number of undesirable effects.

The company NSP, which supplies healthy supplements in Europe and the United States, has developed an effective alternative.

What is a dietary supplement Solstic Energy NSP

Solstic Energy is a unique product of the NSP brand based on natural tonic plants. They give a charge of vigor and energy without causing side effects. The special formula contains extracts of green tea, guarana, B vitamins and other energizing nutrients.

Solstice Energy is used in Europe instead of morning coffee or tonic drinks. The cocktail has no pronounced contraindications and gently acts on all organs and systems. Tones, refreshes, increases resistance to stress, helps to raise mood and performance.

Properties of Solstice Energy

Properties are due to the rich composition of the complex:

  • Guarana. Used by the natives of America in ancient times as a stimulant. Guarana contains natural caffeine, which is released slowly and gently, unlike processed coffee. The invigorating effect lasts for 6 hours. The action of the plant improves blood supply to important organs, including the brain. Memory, attention and concentration are improved.
  • Ginseng. Long known in Europe tonic component. The main effect of ginseng is to increase performance and normalize the cardiovascular system. It also boosts immunity and resists viruses.
  • Green tea. A plant rich in polyphenols. It has an antioxidant and stimulating effect. In addition, green tea helps normalize weight.
  • Red grape skin. The extract from this plant acts as a strong antioxidant. By suppressing the action of free radicals, it helps the body to fight stress and fatigue. The extract contains substances that increase energy.
  • B vitamins. Take part in all metabolic processes. They help the metabolism and digestion of carbohydrates, the main source of energy. Vitamin B deficiency causes nervousness, fatigue and dizziness.
  • Sucralose. Sucralose is a sucrose-based sweetener. It acts as an additional source of energy and gives a pleasant taste.

Instructions for use

Pour 1 sachet of Solstic Energy in 500 ml of water and stir. You can drink 1-2 sachets per day between meals.

Indications for use

In Europe, Solstic Energy is taken for the following conditions:

  • general fatigue and decreased performance, including vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • active sports training;
  • regular stress;
  • nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • depression and apathy;
  • slow metabolism;
  • decreased memory, attention and concentration.
  • A nutritionist may prescribe the supplement as an adjunct to other phytotherapy courses. The cocktail helps to maintain the overall tone of the body even during periods of struggle with major diseases.

Composition of the dietary supplement Solstic Energy NSP

Solstic Energy NSP - a package of 30 sachets of energy phytocomplex. Each packet weighing 3.77 g includes:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,) - 0.0352 g;
  • cobalamin in the amount of 6 mcg.

Extracts of energy-rich plants:

  • guarana grains - 0.283 g;
  • ginseng root - 0.1 g;
  • green tea - 0,05 g;
  • grapes (peel) - 0.05 g.

Additional energy boost is provided by 60 mg of caffeine in the composition. This is not the caffeine that is part of pharmaceuticals. The substance in the cocktail has practically no contraindications.

NSP cocktail is only 12 calories and 3 g of carbohydrate, but it can add tone and stamina for the whole day.


NSP Cocktail is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. There is an individual intolerance to the components of the mixture. Persons with hypertension should be taken with caution, since ginseng is present in the composition. Possible allergic reactions. If you take preparations with B vitamins, be sure to consult with a specialist to avoid overdose.


Solstice Energy is stored at room temperature. Limit access to sunlight, moisture, children and animals.

The supplement is not a drug and does not replace nutrition completely. Be sure to consult a specialist or nutritionist before use. For the damage caused to health as a result of independent use, the administration of the site is not responsible.

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Kyler20.02.2021 16:06

After taking Solstic Energy, I noticed this pattern - always loose stools. With what it can be connected? Why does this drink affect me so?

24NSP20.02.2021 16:07

For more than 10 years since the appearance of Solstic Energy on the Euro market, we have not observed such a reaction of the body from its intake.
This problem is possible if the gastrointestinal tract is not working properly or there is a malfunction in the pancreas or gallbladder, and there is also a variant of individual intolerance to the components that make up Solstic Energy.
It is imperative that you contact your individual health consultant to understand your problem.
Best regards, 24NSP team.