Juniper and parsley complex 100 capsules
A specially formulated nutritious and natural complex for the health of the urinary system.
→The urinary system includes delicate organs. These are the kidneys - the natural filter of the human body, the bladder, and the ducts that carry fluid outward. Their structure is unique. In the kidneys there are special tubules that help absorption of useful substances and release of fluid. And the urinary tracts are lined with a thin layer of epithelium. It's very easy to damage it.
If infection or toxins enter the body, they instantly strike the kidneys, bladder and the entire system. To protect it, NSP has developed an effective supplement based on natural raw materials.
What is Juniper & Parsley Combination
The properties of juniper and parsley have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, the Indians of North America and Byzantium. In Europe in the Middle Ages, these medicinal herbs were also popular. Strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties have an effect on kidney and bladder diseases of different nature.
In addition to beneficial properties, herbs in the phytopreparation NSP contain a treasure trove of important nutrients: vitamins B, A and ascorbic acid, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, zinc, iron, manganese.
BAA is a natural complex for the protection of the urinary system.
Properties of dietary supplements
Juniper & Parsley Combination has the following properties:
- cleanses the blood from toxins, prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels;
- eliminates edema and fluid stagnation;
- has a mild diuretic effect;
- fight infections of the urinary system;
- protects the kidneys from the formation of sand and stones;
- relieves inflammation and pain by relaxing the muscles and eliminating spasm.
How do the main components of the complex work:
- Juniper. Has diuretic, choleretic action. Promotes the exit of sand and stones. Has a strong disinfectant and antibacterial effect. Relieves inflammation and anesthetizes. Juniper increases renal tubular filtration, prevents the back absorption of salts and the formation of stones. It also increases the secretion of gastric juice.
- Parsley. Regulates metabolism, has a strong cleansing effect on the blood and stomach. Promotes the release of toxins and prevents the accumulation of toxins. Used as an auxiliary diuretic and antispasmodic in the treatment of ailments of the genitourinary system.
- The enhanced effect is due to the addition of bearberry, dandelion root and chamomile. These herbs also have diuretic and relaxing effect.
NSP company is widely known not only in its home country, but also in Europe. All its phytopreparations are tested by time, patients and various quality certificates.
Instructions for use
Combination "Juniper and Parsley" from NSP is used once a day with food. The single dose is 2 capsules. A full jar of 100 capsules is designed for a 50-day course. Longer to take only on the prescription of a doctor.
Indications for use
All medicinal herbs have long been used in Europe for additional therapy for diseases of the urinary tract, as well as for stomach ailments. Nutraceuticals are indicated for such conditions:
- Bladder and kidney infections;
- non-infectious cystitis and pyelonephritis;
- stomach pains (to relieve spasm);
- accumulation of toxins in the body (to cleanse the blood);
- swelling and fluid stagnation (for effective release);
- electrolyte deficiency and acid-base imbalance;
- kidney stones and sand.
Supplementation from NSP should be prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist. The dose and course of intake are determined individually.
Composition of juniper and parsley supplements
The basic composition of Juniper & Parsley Combination contains 830 mg of the patented blend in one dose (2 capsules):
- juniper(Juniperus communis);
- leafy parsley (Petroselinum crispum);
- chamomile flowers (Matricaria recutita);
- dandelion root(Taraxacum officinale);
- bearberry(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi).
The weight of one capsule - 515 mg.
Additional components - water and glycerin.
Juniper & Parsley Combination should not be used in pregnancy, as parsley contributes to increased uterine tone. Juniper is not recommended for use in patients with severe kidney pathologies - nephritis and nephrosis. Persons with gallbladder disease should be taken with caution.
Possible individual intolerance to the components of the supplement and allergic reactions.
Nutraceutical NSP should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Storage place to protect from children and animals, avoid sunlight.
The dietary supplement is not a medicinal product. Before using the phytopreparation should be consulted by a doctor. For the harm caused to health as a result of exceeding the dosage, violation of instructions and self-medication, the administration of the site is not responsible.
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