Protease (Proactazyme)
Nourishes the body with a full spectrum of enzymes for good digestion and assimilation of food.
→Enzymes are a key part of the digestive process. They are imperceptible substances that take part in all metabolic processes, promote harmonious metabolism, timely delivery of nutrients to the right organs. Enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of macromolecules - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are produced in the body, but not always in sufficient quantities. Their supply can be replenished with the help of dietary supplements.
What is a dietary supplement Proactazyme
Proactazyme is a unique complex developed by specialists of the company NSP. It is an additive to a proper diet, which helps to establish enzymatic activity in the body. As a result, digestion improves, metabolism improves and overall tone increases. In Europe, additional enzymes are prescribed when the body's own enzymes are insufficient. Sometimes, it is enough several courses a year to normalize the digestive system.
Properties of dietary supplements
The properties of Proactazyme are due to its enzyme composition. Each enzyme plays an indispensable role in the digestive processes:
1. Protease. Its main task is to break down proteins and restore beneficial microflora in the intestine. With a deficiency of proteases there is a stool similar to porridge, swelling, anemia. In acute deficiency manifests disorders of physiological development and nervous disorders.
2. Amylase and glucoamylase. Amylases in the body are responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates. The enzyme is present in human saliva, and it starts the digestive process. If you chew starchy food (rice or potatoes) for a long time, soon there is a sweet taste. This is the action of amylase. Glucoamylase takes part in the metabolism of glycogen and the formation of energy from sugars.
3. Lipase. Breaks down fats into metabolites: fatty acids and glycerol. Lipase deficiency can manifest with fatty oily stools. This provokes fecal impaction.
4. Pectinase. The enzyme acts on pectin. Pectinase ensures smooth operation of the digestive system and normalizes the intestinal microflora.
5. Cellulase. Helps in the metabolism of complex sugars, breaking them down into simple molecules.
In Europe, prescribing enzymes for digestive failures is normal practice.
Instructions for use
Proactazyme is used three times a day in parallel with meals. The daily dose is 1 or 2 capsules. It is prescribed by a specialist or nutritionist NSP.
A jar of 100 capsules is designed for 16 or 33 days of use. On average, a course of 30 days is prescribed. Depending on digestive pathologies, the course can be rotated 2-3 times a year.
Indications for use
In Europe and the USA, NSP complexes based on protease and digestive enzymes are prescribed for the following conditions:
- treatment of hepatitis;
- cholelithiasis;
- high cholesterol and bilirubin;
- enterocolitis;
- dysbacteriosis;
- malabsorption syndrome;
- obesity and overweight;
- pancreatic disorders;
- flatulence;
- digestive disorders of long-term character;
- constant heaviness in the stomach.
Complex with enzymes from NSP contains important digestive enzymes. Each 6 capsules (daily dose) contains:
- protease 36 000 HUT;
- amylase 12 000 DU;
- glucoamylase 30 AGU;
- lipase 72 LU;
- pectinase 36 Endo AJDU;
- cellulase 360 CU.
The enzymes are extracted from plant components. Proactazyme contains:
- beet root fiber (Beta vulgaris);
- caraway seed (Carum carvi);
- dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale);
- fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare);
- gentian root (Gentiana lutea);
- ginger root (Zingiber officinale).
The soluble shell of the capsule is water and gelatin.
Digestive enzymes in the complex NSP contraindicated for use in persons with impaired renal function in the acute stage. Do not use in hemodialysis and chronic pancreatitis. Not recommended dietary supplement for use by pregnant and lactating women.
Lipase may interfere with iron absorption, so it is necessary to monitor hemoglobin. Not recommended for use by individuals with conditions associated with blood loss risks. For example, hemophilia.
Enzyme Complex by NSP is stored in a dry place protected from light at room temperature. Limit access for children and animals.
The dietary supplement is not a medicinal product. Before its use should be consulted with a specialist. The administration of the site is not responsible for damage to health as a result of independent use and violation of the instructions.
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Good afternoon, with a small uterine myoma, what is better to drink?
In programs for fibroids, such complexes are used as:
Proactazyme, Evening Primrose Oil, Liquid Chlorophyll and other dietary supplements.
The program and reception scheme is selected individually. With such a diagnosis, it is very important to eliminate the cause of the hormonal imbalance that led to the formation of fibroids.
We recommend individual selection of products, indicating the size of the fibroid, your age and general health indicators.
If you need help drawing up an admission program, please email. mail that you see in the header of the site.
Best regards, 24NSP team.
Please tell me, my nose is not clogged, but there is mucus in it, I also cough up mucus to advise NSP
To give the correct answer, you need to know the cause of the mucus. The most commonly used products are: colloidal silver, chlorophyll taken by mouth and buried in the nose, Red Clover.
If you need help choosing NSP products to solve your problem, please email. mail is listed at the top of the site.
Best regards, 24NSP team.