Skeletal Strength
Provides effective saturation and support for the structural system of the body.
→The musculoskeletal system is one of the foundations of a healthy human life. The skeleton, muscles, ligaments and tendons are closely connected. They keep the whole body moving by doing hard physical work every day.
This system especially needs support and nourishment. Skeletal Strength complex is designed for it.
What is Skeletal Strength supplement NSP
All over the world, and in particular in Europe, the cases of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are increasing every year. They are based on the fragility of bones, rapid wear and tear of joints. Diseases progress due to weakness of the musculoskeletal system. It needs nutrients - vitamins and minerals.
Skeletal Strength is a specially designed complex from a company with a worldwide reputation. NSP gives its users reliability, efficiency and affordable prices.
Instructions for use
NSP supplement is recommended to take with food, drinking plenty of liquid. The daily dose is 2 capsules. Exceeding it is not recommended, as hypervitaminosis with severe consequences may occur. Recommendations for taking: 1 capsule 2 times a day.
Properties of dietary supplements
Human bones - a unique structure. They are renewed throughout life. In the first years they are constantly growing and developing, then they begin to gain density.
Old bone tissue breaks down and new bone tissue takes its place. This happens all the time, just a person can not notice the whole process. Over time, this renewal slows down: old bones are destroyed, and new ones are formed slowly. The bone becomes hollow inside and there is an unpleasant disease - osteoporosis.
It can lead to disability and even death. In Europe, falls from osteoporosis are constantly monitored. This happens because the bone inside is empty, the skeleton weakens and cannot hold muscle mass, and a person constantly falls. The brittle bones immediately break. This vicious circle leads to "endless" fractures and injuries.
To keep bones healthy even in old age, you need to maintain them in your 20s and 30s. That's what Skeletal Strength is designed to do. Its ingredients do the job:
- Vitamin A supports immunity and helps skin and muscles recover faster;
- Vitamin C. Helps in the production of collagen, which is needed for connective tissue. Supports healthy teeth and skin.
- Calcium and phosphorus - actively involved in skeletal formation and growth along with vitamin D. Simultaneous intake of these nutrients is recommended.
Other components of dietary supplements are also important for strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
Indications for use
In Europe, nutriciologists recommend the supplement Skeletal Strength as an assistant for the musculoskeletal system. It is ideal for such conditions:
- Disorder of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which is subject to correction;
- menopausal osteoporosis in women;
- osteoporosis of varying degrees;
- prevention, strengthening and support of bone tissue at a young age;
- vitamin D deficiency in adults;
- deficiency of calcium and phosphorus, and valuable minerals included in the composition of the dietary supplement.
Composition of Skeletal Strength NSP dietary supplement
Skeletal strength consists of a set of micronutrients that are essential for bone tissue, muscles and ligaments. These vitamins and minerals are also needed for the health of connective tissues, teeth and nails.
Vitamin | Amount in mcg |
A (retinol from 500 mcg of beta-carotene) | 150 |
D | 2,5 |
В12 | 15 |
Vitamin | Quantity in mg |
С | 75 |
B6 | 2,5 |
Mineral | Quantity in mg |
Potassium | 50 |
Calcium | 300 |
Phosphorus | 94 |
Magnesium | 300 |
Iron | 1,5 |
Zinc | 7,5 |
Copper | 1,0 |
Manganese | 0,5 |
Boron | 0,5 |
Minerals are included in the composition in the form of salts. Additional herbal ingredients of NSP supplement: horsetail stem and trunk, papaya concentrate, parsley (leaves), valerian root, pineapple juice, licorice root.
The capsule shell consists of gelatin and water.
Complex from NSP is not recommended to take persons who show sensitivity to the vitamins included in the supplement. If you use vitamin complexes, be sure to consult a specialist before using Skeletal Strength to avoid excessive accumulation of the nutrient in the body. Do not take by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
People with hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria should not take the supplement. Severe kidney disease is also a contraindication.
It is recommended to store the NSP supplement in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Limit access to children and animals to avoid unwanted ingestion of the drug.
The supplement is not a medicinal product. Use can be started only after consultation with a specialist. The administration of the site is not responsible in case of harm to health, as a result of independent intake of the supplement.
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did not fit, increases pressure very strongly
For more than 20 years of work with NSP products, from taking Skeletal Strength, no such reaction of the body has been noticed when prophylactic dosages are observed.
Skeletal Strength, like other NSP dietary supplements, must be taken in compliance with the water regime, i.e. drink 30-40 ml of pure water per 1 kg of body weight per day, and then exacerbations of chronic diseases will be less pronounced.
Best regards, 24NSP team.